Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Disneyworld Adventure

    Our family had wanted to go to Disneyworld for many years and we had been saving our money for quite awhile.  In the spring of that that year the funds that we'd set aside for Disneyworld were unexpectedly wiped out due to a hail storm that destroyed our roof. It looked as though our planned trip to Disneyworld was going to have to wait.  I was frustrated with life's unfairness and it was painful to look beyond the difficulties to think of the proverbial "silver lining for every dark cloud" in our lives.

     At times it was a struggle to juggle the costs of Jeremy's therapy with the costs of living for the rest of our family.  We wanted our other children to learn that they were valued, too, so we offered our daughters chances to take various lessons throughout the years.  And we worked hard not to let Jeremy's special needs overshadow their accomplishments & needs.  Coupled with the fact that Rick had started a business just a few years previously didn't help our financial situation.  We were always able to pay our bills and have money for necessities.  But for several years we lived frugally and often times, without. 

     Then someone suggested that I contact the Dream Factory of Kansas City, an organization who is able to give children with long-term chronic health issues & special needs like Down's Syndrome & Autism the opportunity to fulfill their one dream in life.  I had thought that this organization only fulfilled the dreams for children who were dying. 

     All our kids wanted to go to Disneyworld, especially Jeremy.  He still loves the Disney cartoons and knows all the songs from every movie =) The girls loved the Princess Disney movies ~~ Megan loved Belle from "Beauty & the Beast" probably they both had brown hair & loved books while Rebekah loved Princess Jasmine who was an exotic beauty.

     So I called the Dream Factory and began working to fulfill this desire for Jeremy & our family.  The Dream Factory was very gracious and generous.  Within a couple of months we were on our way to Orlando compliments of this wonderful non-profit organization.  Our airline flight, car rental, hotel accommodations and spending money was given to us just because our son with autism and his family wanted to go to Disneyworld!

     We flew the Monday after Thanksgiving and stayed an entire week.  Disneyworld was decorated for the Christmas holiday and was spectacular to view!  The best part of all was that the number guests were low (because of the time of year we went) so we could ride any ride we wanted to without having to wait very long.  Our family had a really good time together and cherished every minute at Disneyworld!  

     As I reflect back on this time in my life, I realize that God often provides for our family in unique & unexpected ways.  This one story is but one example of the kindness of God as shown through others.  I have learned that God is faithful even when times are tough and I don't necessarily feel His presence.  God is a generous God that sometimes chooses to surprise us with a gift when we least expect it, but when we most need it =)

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