Thursday, September 13, 2012

Precious Bundle of Joy -- Rebekah (conclusion)

"Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow."  James 1:17     

     As we awaited news of our impending adoption from the Lighthouse, Rick and I busily steered our family through the daily grind of living.  Jeremy was still actively receiving therapy for his developmental disabilities while Megan had successfully integrated into second grade. 

     Summer was soon upon us.  As our family made plans to vacation in Colorado, Rick and I waited expectantly for an assigned social worker to complete the second half of our home study.  It had been almost two months since we'd sent our $500 check to retain a lawyer.  As the summer progressed and our vacation loomed closer I grew concerned that we would be traveling when our baby-to-be was born and we'd not completed our home study, yet.   So I left a voice mail to let the Lighthouse know that we would be gone for ten days in July.  Two days later our social worker came over to finish our home study and began telling us about a newborn baby girl who had been born just two days earlier. According to Phyllis, the birth mother had chosen us to be her baby's adoptive family.  Because of my earlier phone message to the Lighthouse, Phyllis was told to share the exciting news of Rebekah's birth with us before we left town! We were, then, informed that we would be allowed to see the baby before leaving for vacation.   We were elated.

     With great excitement our family drove to see Rebekah for the very first time!  Megan was beside herself with great anticipation!   As we drove through the streets of southern Kansas City I thought of how our lives would change in just a few weeks.  We continued to pray for God's affirmation that this little baby was to be the little one chosen by God for us.

     As we climbed out of our mini-van I remember gazing down the street only to see a tall man leisurely walking his dog along the sidewalk.  Reaching in to remove Jeremy from his car seat, I looked once more and could scarcely believe my eyes!  The tall man was the very same friend who'd originally told us of God's plan to bless us with another child!  God was clearly affirming to us that this child was God’s chosen baby for us!  As we exchanged pleasantries and shared surprise to be standing together outside the foster family's home, I snapped a picture of our friend and his dog.  It rests in Rebekah's baby book to this day.  

     Our family left for Colorado soon thereafter.  Besides riding horses, walking through the mountain meadows and eating BBQ, Rick and I spent a lot of time discussing the planned arrival of our third child.  My family stood in amazement to think that God would bless us with little Rebekah!  Thanking Him for His goodness and mercy, we excitedly began planning for our  new baby’s arrival.  Eager to return home, we drove straight home to Kansas with very few stops. 

     Rebekah was required by law to stay with a Lighthouse foster family for the interim before our first court date.  During this time we learned that our birth mother had become a committed Christian while staying at the Lighthouse and had decided upon our family with firm resolve that we were perfect for her darling baby.  (Our family had prayed specifically for this to happen.)
     As Rebekah's foster family, the Norbergs were a lovely family.  We would stay in touch with them throughout the years.  This family has continued to pray for Rebekah and their daughter, Kathleen, introduced her to the world of classical dancing.  The two of them enjoy a casual, easy-going relationship – both are very creative and bright -- and still share a passion for dance. 

     At fifteen Rebekah is a stunningly beautiful teenager.  She has brought much joy and laughter into our family!  Rebekah is a beautiful dancer with boundless energy and an infectious optimism.  She has been a joyful additional to our family – and we are so grateful to God for His bountiful gift to us.

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